Seen from Montan, this route leads us in a south-easterly direction. Although only the Passo Manghen is more than 2000 m high, the winding round offers everything a motorcyclist's heart desires and also the friends of beautiful mountain landscapes do not miss out.
From Montan, you first take the main line towards Cavalese. 3 km after Kaltenbronn, the well-maintained road to Altrei branches off to the right. From there, turn left past the church and over a narrow asphalt band down into Val diCembra. Once there, the road turns off to the right. A dream route follows, which sometimes wide, sometimes narrow, to Faver. Turn left here into the valley and up again on the other side. Turn right at the right-of-way sign and follow Lases to the N 47, which we follow eastwards for 5 km. Then turn right towards Caldonazzo, along the lake of the same name. In Calceranica turn right and after another 5 km keep left. The road is very winding and well maintained and leads to Carbonare. There turn right towards Folgaria. At the top of the Passo di Sommo (1343 m), the path turns left and continues uphill towards Tonezza. Behind Tonezza (before the tunnels) -without prior notice- a small road with many hairpin bends turns left down into the valley. At the bottom left and immediately right again, it goes over a wonderful pass road up towards Asiago. Via Rotzo, Albaredo and Roana we reach the N 349 where we turn left and follow the road up to the Passo di Vezzena (1402 m). About 4 km after the top of the pass, the Kaiserjägerstraße branches off to the right. This road goes down steeply and offers a great view of Lake Caldonazzo and the surrounding area. Once we reach the valley, we meet the N 47 again, which we follow about 12 km to the right in an easterly direction and then via Borgo and Telve to the last highlight of the tour, the Passo Manghen (2047 m). After we arrived back in the valley we follow the signs to Auer (Ora) back to Montan. Total distance about 265 km