Also this tour was shortened after arrangement, so that we turned left after the Passo Cibiana and drove directly to Cortina d'Ampezzo. Also on this day, some sections of the route were done quasi in the D-train tempo. With completely empty roads and good asphalt it was simply a pleasure!
The route then led us over Passo Giau to Passo Valles.
There were - although over 2000 m high and at the end of September - still quite a few cows on and beside the road! Passing Cavalese we went to Val di Cembra (eastern side of the valley). Because the first ones were a little bit faster on the road we waited for the other 2 riders before Segonzano.
But after more than 15 minutes, still no one came. A call remained unsuccessful - was not heard. Even during a refueling stop along the rest of the route there was nothing to be seen of the other two. So we drove the last part to the hotel and found out that the missing people had been there for about 10 minutes! They had - according to their own statement - driven the same route! But neither we had them, nor had they seen us!
Since this 330 km long route should take over 8 hours according to the navigation system, but I absolutely have to take the Passo S. Boldo, the tour started at 8:20 am already! First up again to Carbonare and then down into the valley towards Schio. In Pedascala we turned left to the simply ingenious route up towards Asiago - a pleasure! Then further on via Asiago to Foza. From there it goes over a partly very spectacular route down to Valstagna. But at the beginning of the winding route there was a cappuccino break
In Valstagna we enjoyed the great townscape for a short time and then drove on to Monte Grappa. First we went up the main road (but still with very little traffic) - to the summit.
There we enjoyed the view for a short time and then turned around to get back down into the valley on the extremely narrow and winding road that runs parallel to the main line. In the upper part, partly very dense fog blocked our view of the landscape and the further route. Over quite unspectacular sections we came to Valdobbiadene. Here I drove a descent too late from the (big oval) roundabout. So I turned around and went back inside. The Navi showed me one exit before and went on. Next right and then right again - somewhere in the middle of the smallest streets of the village. Then the Navi pointed to the left - here a car just drove into the small street. So after it! It was very steep (surely more than 30% !!!) uphill. Here none of us wanted to have to stop or start again. I just thought "Where does the navigation system lead me now? But then we were back on the right planned route. Here again one of the tricks of the Navi's showed up! In some places the "natural" variant is not always chosen - that is to say, following the main road, even if it is a little longer, but the "shortest" route, which sometimes chooses "impossible" roads! It would have been better to take an exit at the roundabout in question. Then we would have been immediately on the right street (Jürgen told me afterwards also). Although I checked all tours for correct routing before the vacation, I will have to go into more detail in the future to avoid such "short distances". By the way, concentrating on the right exit of the roundabout, I missed a cafe or an ice-cream parlor directly at the roadside - would have been a pleasant interruption of the tour. But so we drove a narrow but fine road uphill full of curves and hairpin bends (direction M. Cesen). Further up we found a restaurant/bistro where we took a well-deserved cappuccino break. Then the road led us further along the ridge and later down into the valley - a nice variation! Then we went on to the Passo S. Boldo. Here I talked to my fellow riders about taking some photos again and that they should wait for me at the top of the pass. First we went up in some "open" hairpin bends, before the last 6 or 7 hairpin bends lead up through single-lane tunnels. Here the traffic is regulated by traffic lights, because even a motorcycle cannot pass a car in the tunnels! But the photo stops were worth it - the road is simply spectacular!

After this highlight of the tour we went - partly over the main roads - to Feltre. There we turned right to Passo Croce d'Aune. A pass that I have never ridden before, but which was a lot of fun due to its extremely varied route. In addition, in preparation for a mountain racing event, which will probably take place at the weekend, the track was marked and the hairpin bends could be estimated even better in advance - nice! A cappuccino break interrupted the rush of the turns! Afterwards we went uphill again (from the top of the Croce d'Aune pass!) and then over a narrow strip of asphalt back down into the valley to Pte. d. Serra. There we turned right and immediately left up to Castello Tesino. From there - via Stringno and Telve - it was not far back to the hotel in Levico Terme. A successful tour, which also brought me closer to some unknown roads.
In the evening we also met Tina, Volker and Rudi (ruzeil), who had come to Trentino for Friday and (Tina) also for Saturday.
Unfortunately, the sky was overcast again today, so that we had only poor visibility into the valley at the 1st highlight of the tour - the Kaiserjägerstraße (the others had already driven the route in the best weather on Monday, where we got lost).
Afterwards we went to Passo Manghen! One of my favorites!!! From Telve, it's just awesome!
At the top there was a longer break before we went down into Val di Fieme. Via Cavalese we reached the Lavazejoch and after a few kilometers downhill we went steeply uphill again towards Deutschnofen. Via Aldein we went to the route from Montan to Cavalese, which we followed - turning left - until we reached Passo S. Lugano. Here we turned right to Altrei. After a short break, the path led us down into the Val di Cembra. Here I was already looking forward to the further course of the road - the road used to be a poem! But within the last 2 years, when the road was closed, it was - in my opinion - changed to the disadvantage! The former charm of the road has been lost! It is still very curvy, but not as spectacular as before. At Faver a bypass tunnel was built.

After that we went down to the bottom of the valley and up again on the other side. Then left to Sover. Here it should turn right to Brusagno. On the tour on Wednesday we had already passed through Sover and I had seen the turnoff up to Brusagno at the entrance of the village. This time we came to Sover from the other side. Nevertheless the navigation system turned right at the entrance of the village and I thought "Ok, it will fit! But then it became very tricky! At first we went relatively wide into the village before it got narrower. Then the Navi pointed sharply at an acute angle to the right. "That can't be right - can it?" But it was! To turn right here, we all had to shunt once to get around! Then a van, which came towards us, blocked the way. He was waiting for me too and so I drove towards him and directly in front of him to a small yard entrance/parking area. My passengers followed one after the other and the delivery van driver could not hold back a laugh when one motorcycle after the other arrived. Our altogether 6 machines had just enough space on the area. Then the van drove on and we could follow the road further. Shortly afterwards we hit the actual road to Brusagno. Then we turned left to the Passo di Redebus (I had never heard of it before!). Then we went on over some small roads to Pergine. From there the last point on the tour was the road up to Panarotta. Turn right and follow the road down to Levico Terme. Here the tour description would have ended, but unfortunately not this time. Followed by Tina I drove down to the valley. Then suddenly a mowing vehicle was at work on the right side of the road. We drove past and on we went. Suddenly I missed the rest of the group. We stopped and waited a few minutes. I already wanted to turn back when Wolfgang and then the other 3 passengers arrived. It turned out that shortly before the mower truck there was a big stone on the road (which I - for whatever reason - hadn't noticed at all). Jürgen had hit this stone with the front wheel and had stopped. Get out the side stand and get off. But he hadn't engaged a gear and so the heavy BMW LT rolled over the side stand and threatened to fall over. Markus saw this coming and was able to grab the back of the car at the right time, while Jürgen hit the windshield instead of the handlebars. The fall could be prevented, but the left holder of the windshield was broken. As Jürgen knew from experience a quite expensive damage! Afterwards we went back to the hotel and the evening ended in a comfortable round.
Since I was a little disappointed by the Val di Cembra the day before, I had decided to take the motorway first in Trento and then up to the Brenner Pass. From there I took the country roads back to Sonthofen. After breakfast I said goodbye to the others and started the journey home. The journey was uneventful and I arrived safely back in Sonthofen at about 13:30 hrs.
It was a great week, with lots and lots of great impressions, great track and beautiful landscapes. It was simply fun!
The Hotel Cristallo is highly recommended. Apparently, this has already gotten around in motorcycle circles. Although the holiday season is actually over at the end of September, there were sometimes over 60 motorcycles in the underground car park! The food is good and the staff friendly.
In total I have covered 2333 km. It was said in German "Simply a dream!" It was a lot of fun and I discovered some tracks I didn't know before. I had planned the tours - as already described at the beginning - by studying maps, motorbike tour planner and already known route knowledge. It was worth it! The roads were almost completely empty of people and vehicles and we could just enjoy the tours. Whoever takes the opportunity later and follows the tour suggestions I made, will find this confirmed. Most of the times, Trentino is in this area not yet as touristically crowded as the Dolomites and moreover, it offers very diversified - partly simply brilliant (!) routes. Motorcyclist's heart was you want more!